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Duty Lawyer Scheme
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Hawkers appeal
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Annual Report 2023
Duty Lawyer Scheme
Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants
Free Legal Advice Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
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Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants

DLS’ Official Response to Media Reporting
Application procedures for inclusion in the Master Freelance Interpreters’ Lists

Duty Lawyer Scheme > Hawkers appeal

Hawkers appealing to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against the decision of not issuing hawker license to them are entitled to apply for Duty Lawyer representation at the hearing of the appeal before the Board.

Whenever an appeal is set down for hearing, the Board will inform and send the case file to the Duty Lawyer Service. The Service will contact the appellant offering its service. Duty Lawyer will be assigned to represent the appellant at the hearing of the appeal.

Applicants are subject to means test and payment of a fixed handling charge of $640.
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