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Duty Lawyer Scheme
Magistrates' Courts
Juvenile Courts
The Coroner's Courts
Hawkers appeal
Extradition proceedings Labour Tribunal
Small Claims Tribunal Competition Tribunal
Free Legal Advice Scheme
Legal Advice Centres

Annual Report 2022
Duty Lawyer Scheme
Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants
Free Legal Advice Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
Family law
Land law, landlord and terant
Criminal law
Employment law
Commercial, banking and sales of goods
Administrative and Constitutional law
Environmental law and tort
National Security Law
General legal information

Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants

DLS’ Official Response to Media Reporting
Application procedures for inclusion in the Master Freelance Interpreters’ Lists

Annual Report 2022 > 9. Conclusion

9.1 The audited accounts for 2021-2022 appear at Appendix E1. The combined total expenditure of all the Schemes is $216.589M for 2020-2021; $247.939M for 2021-2022.

9.2 The Council also wishes to thank the many Volunteer Lawyers and Duty Lawyers who have continued to serve both the Free Legal Advice Scheme and Duty Lawyer Scheme (including the Care or Protection Scheme and the Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants) faithfully; the Magistrates for their continued interest in and support for the Duty Lawyer Scheme; the Labour and Welfare Bureau for their support for the Care or Protection Scheme; the Judiciary Administration for providing accommodation for the Service’s Court Liaison Offices; the Police and Correctional Services who are always helpful and who often adjust their routine to accommodate the Service, Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office and the Home Affairs Department and the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and referral agency staff, all of whom have contributed to the continued smooth running of the Free Legal Advice Scheme and the Security Bureau, the Immigration Department and the Torture Claims Appeal Board for their assistance and support to the Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants.

Ms. Maggie Wong S.C.
Council of the Duty Lawyer Service

Grace S. Wong
Administrator of the Duty Lawyer Service

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