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Annual Report 2023
Duty Lawyer Scheme
Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants
Free Legal Advice Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
Tel-Law Scheme
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Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants

DLS’ Official Response to Media Reporting
Application procedures for inclusion in the Master Freelance Interpreters’ Lists

Tel-Law Scheme > Commercial, baning and sales of goods

The following can only be a brief introduction of the legal subject concerned. Before you take any action which may have legal consequence, you should first seek advice from your own lawyer or make an appointment at any District Office to see a volunteer lawyer of the Free Legal Advice Scheme.



Hong Kong is a noisy city but you do NOT have to put up with every kind of irritating noise. There are laws in Hong Kong, which provide control on several types of noise which may become a nuisance to people.

At home, the general rule is that you must not make an unreasonable amount of noise which disturbs your neighbours. It is an offence to make disturbing noise between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. or at any time on a general holiday which is a source of annoyance to people. Some kinds of noisy activities are controlled at any time of the day. They include loud music, noisy gathering and games. You should contact the Police if you are disturbed. If at any time the noise from your neighbour's air-conditioner or other ventilation systems annoys you, you could also lodge a complaint to the police. Pets owners must also control the noise made by their pets. It is an offence to keep animals or birds which disturb the peace of the locality. Make a complaint to the Police if you are annoyed.

For enquiries, please contact the Local Control Offices or through the EPD's Customer Service Hotline of 2838 3111.

Date of amendment: 22nd February 2013

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